An Internal Database of Knowledge for Kings Health Partners run by KHP Women and Children’s Health Clinical Academic Partnership
A rapid response advisory service which will provide support and specialist expertise to help researchers, clinicians and service managers obtain relevant research and evidence to inform decision making.
To ask a question use the query form and we will get back to you.
Clinical Audit and Service Evaluation - signposting
King’s College London Honorary and Adjunct Appointments
How to ask a good research question and develop a research hypothesis?
How to know if the work has already been published?
How to do a sample size calculation?
How to write a research protocol
How to do Public and Patient Involvement and Engagement?
Where to find details of education and training?
What are the advisory services available?
Inclusion of adults with impaired capacity to consent
How to identify funding for research projects?
How to write a grant application?
What does a research career look like?
Science hackathons - what are the benefits?